Monday 7 May 2012

Dirty Dishes

1:00 P.M. Ugh! “Time for work.” I mumbled. Dreading the mountain of dishes that faithfully awaited me, I walked through the cafeteria door and glared at the ever-growing pile. I pulled a dark blue apron over my head and tied it behind me. Looking at the front of the apron, I groaned. The morning crew had used it, and dried breakfast remains were encrusted all over it. Walking over the sink, I started spraying the dirty dishes. It never ceased to amaze me how many different disgusting mixtures people concocted with their food. Different colors combined on the plates, leaving an undefinable sludge. Ewww, why can’t people leave their food alone?  Then, my work supervisor told me she wanted me to dry and put away dishes instead. I stomped over to the pots and yanked them off the counter, making a loud clang. I marched around the kitchen, banging dishes and feeling angry at the world. “So,” said a sweet, cheery voice of another cafĂ© worker, “How has God blessed you this week?” I faked a smile and came up with some stupid, shallow reply. Not letting it drop, she pressed harder, “What have you been reading in your devotions lately?” Oh no! Why can’t you just drop it? What do I say?  My mind raced. I couldn’t tell her that I hadn’t had my devotions that morning. She would think I was a terrible Christian. I thought up something I had read a few days before, though it too came out sounding insincere. I returned the questions to her, but as she went on about her wonderful devotional life and what God was doing for her, my mind wandered. At that time in my life, my spiritual life had plummeted. Instead of having my devotions in the mornings, I would sleep, thinking the extra rest would help me more than God could. Then, at the last minute, I would read a Bible verse, and if anyone asked me about my devotions, I would try to make it sound very holy and deep, when in reality, I had no clue what I was talking about. I thought I couldn’t bear to have my devotions. What I had to learn was that I couldn’t bear to do without them. Without spending time with Jesus, I was susceptible to the Devil’s temptations and my life was becoming dirtier than the nasty dishes I detested. I needed to be rinses, washed, and disinfected by Jesus. Spending that precious time with Jesus each day makes us indescribably stronger, and able to withstand evil with God’s help.