Tuesday 24 April 2012

Rainbow Sprinkles

Rainbow Sprinkles. You know what I’m talking about. Those little burst of colors that dust your melting ice cream or dot the frosting on your slightly over-baked cupcake. You don’t eat them because of their taste, because in actuality, you can’t really taste them and they are quite small. You eat them for their look. They’re pretty. They’re there for the happiness factor. The variety of bright colors just adds a little bit of cheer to your whole experience. You can’t really taste them, but their brightness makes you smile. Rainbow sprinkles. So simple…so small. But they can make such a big difference to the way you view an ice cream cone.
I’ve been learning to look for ways to give rainbow sprinkles to other people… little things that bring a smile to their face. They don’t have to be big. In fact, they shouldn’t be. They’re just little bursts of color…little dustings of joy that bring a smile to someone’s face and brighten their day. They say “I care about you” and “I’m thinking about you.”
Things like reaching out to someone that’s hurting. And that’s everyone. The nerdy kid that gets straight A’s. The popular diva that constantly smiling her bleached teeth smile. The hot guy who always seems to be having the best time. The person who always has answers to everything. The preacher who’s life seems so perfect. Everyone. The people you love the most. The people you hate the most. Everyone’s hurting.
Rainbow Sprinkles. Like making a kid feel special by noticing and taking interest in them. Cooking a meal for someone who’s sick. Inviting some lonely person out to coffee.  Singing at the nursing home. Or, if you don’t sing, talking to the patients. Sending a handwritten note to someone who is going through a hard time.
All of these seemingly “little” sprinkles can bring such immense joy. Most importantly, however, rainbow sprinkles show Jesus’ love through us.
It’s wonderful that all these people want to change the world. I’m totally for doing big, hard things for God. I just don’t want to ever forget to small, everyday things that I can do to bless others.

Monday 23 April 2012

My First Post

Ugh, here it is again. That awkward moment right at the beginning where you really don't know what to say because anything you say will sound stupid to not only everyone, but yourself most of all. So, I guess I'm just going to get this over with. Hi. I'm Kara. I don't have a clue what I'm going to write about yet.  It'll probably mostly be rumblings and jumbled words. Whatever it is...or isn't though, I just want everything I write to be real. No pretending at all. It's just going to be real and from the heart. Sometimes deep, sometimes light...always heartfelt.

 Ok...here we go....oh great....